Dr. Bjelica is the Functional Safety Instructor at the University of California San Diego, CEO of NIT Institute and the Associate Professor at the FTN Uni Novi Sad. He actively participates in research and innovation activities for various computer-engineering sectors, focusing on consultancy and training in the fields of system safety, functional safety, automotive engineering, and consumer electronics. During his career, he consulted companies in the automotive industry (ZF Germany, TTTech Austria, Qualcomm Automotive USA, Daimler Germany) and also other companies in consumer electronics, industrial machinery, and computing domains. He is a frequent participant and a speaker at major industry events worldwide. Dr. Bjelica holds a Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, as well as an Academic Safety Engineer degree from the FH CampusWien - Vienna Institute for Safety and Systems Engineering (Austria). His professional and research focus is on complex system and software architectures with specific interactions and virtualization. He authored over 100 publications across major journals and scientific conferences and holds 30 patents.