As the Technical Fellow for Functional Safety and Risk Assessment, Mike Bucala represents the USA, and Daimler Trucks on committees developing ISO 21448, ISO 26262, ISO TS 5083. He is also a contributing author of SAE J2980 (HAZOP), SAE J1739 (FMEA), SAE J2886 (DRBFM), SAE J3187 (STPA), and others. He is a UL Certified Functional Safety Expert, and an INTACS Certified Automotive SPICE Provisional Assessor.
The Pop in Your Job – What drives you? Why do you love your topic?
As the Principal Engineer for Functional Safety and Risk Assessment, I have the pleasure of working with international teams of experts to push the state of the art forward in service of safety and reliability. I introduced the systematic implementation of DFMEA, Commercial Vehicle Functional Safety, and I am particularly interested in advancing the implementation of Systems Engineering.